Thursday, November 25, 2010

Permafrost Methane

This isn't a new topic but it is new to Enviro-Sustain as a dangerous element of climate change. Here is an article I read today but I saw a different article earlier this week and read at the time but can't find now. Basically, as global temperatures rise more arctic permafrost land is thawing, with that methane is released. As the methane is released it compounds the greenhouse gas aspect that is pushing temperatures higher in a literal vicious circle.

This is pretty much how it works: "As the Earth warms, the summer thaw bites a bit deeper, awakening ice-age microbes that attack organic matter – vegetation and animal remains – buried where oxygen cannot reach, producing methane that gurgles to the surface and into the air."

Just another thing to keep up with in this world of environmental and sustainability issues.

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